The Awakening
Forever Release The Narratives Keeping You Stuck
The Journey Continues....
Sunday, April 6th to Friday, April 11th, 2025
The Mountains of North Carolina
Why You Need It?
We want change. We think it is about changing our diet, changing our exercise, changing our mindset or changing our relationships. It's not! It's about changing our identity! You do that, and all the other things change automatically, effortlessly, and seemingly all at once.
There is a story you have been telling yourself. Whether you are conscious of that story or not, it has shaped your identity and is silently directing your life. The Awakening does just that, it wakes you up from the erroneous assumptions and false narratives of a life misremembered. You will never be able to gain health, generate abundance, manifest the relationship, or create that business until and unless you can see and release the blocks that keep you anchored in place.
What Is It?
Think back to the days when you were a youth. That first time when, after being immersed in an experience of growth, connection, and challenge, your entire perspective about what you will do with your life changed. It could have been school, summer camp, travel, trauma, or some other pivotal event. No matter what it was, you sensed everything would be different. Maybe you have had an event like this in your life, or maybe you are unsure. We now know that these types of life-changing experiences can be engineered.
Everything about the Awakening is designed according to the science of experiential breakthrough: Just the right amount of people. An environment rich with novelty and beauty. Food is designed to lighten the body and elevate the mind. Rhythmic movement (walking) to subtly shift your awareness to an open, tuned-in state. Accommodations are perfectly designed to be different and challenging while comfortable and safe. Plant medicine ceremonies to penetrate your consciousness and allow a once-in-a-lifetime view into the nature of existence and your power to create your reality. Most importantly, a complete educational immersion into who you are and who you can become through Dr. Jade's Next Level Human coaching methodologies (developed over a decade of research through a fusion of psychology, philosophy, and traditional wisdom cultures).
Like changing clothes, you will come wearing one identity and leave wearing the new identity you always knew you could fit into.
What Does It Include?
The Awakening is a one-of-a-kind, in-person event taught by Dr. Jade Teta and his team. Attendance is kept small and intimate (no more than 10-15 participants) to facilitate deep learning and transformation. The event includes:
- 5 Nights Accommodation (ask about shared rooms)
- All Meals Included
- The Next Level Human Wisdom Curriculum
- The 3 Step Manifestation Education
- 2-3 Plant Medicine Ceremonies (optional)
- Psychedelic Breath Work For Those Opting Out Of Psychedelic Ceremonies
How Much Does It Cost?
The Awakening is $3,300.00 (includes room and board and transportation to and from the Greensboro International Airport).
It's Not What Happened To You, It's The Story You Told Yourself About What Happened
An introduction to the practice of Story Editing & a deep immersion into the Next Level Human Self Authoring approach. Get ready to elevate and evolve with targeted, proven cutting-edge psychology science, & ancient philosophy practices.
It's Not Everything Happens For A Reason, It's Things Happen & You Make A Reason.
It's called radical responsibility & extreme ownership. You will learn Dr. Jade's Honor Code method & leave with an understanding of developing boundaries and avoiding the victim mindset.
It's Not Leap and The Net Will Appear, It's Leap and Weave The Net As You Fall.
In order to change, the brain must see you take action. You will learn the Next Level Human version of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); a concept coined as the Fear PR. This tool will make you more courageous and turn failure into fuel for growth.
The Awakening is a unique experience designed at every level to help you break into your new, Next Level Self. It is part of the Next Level Human Journey Events. Part II of the education. A powerful step into your spiritual purpose potential.
Your brain is watching and judging all of the time. It judges you the same way you judge others, only more harshly. If it sees you talking and not doing, it knows you're not serious. If it sees you only dipping your toes in the water of change it judges you as "full of shit."
There are only two ways to get the brain to work in your favor. Slow, consistent, steady behaviors until the brain catches on or massive, uncomfortable, and all-at-once change.
The Awakening is the latter. It is a "lightning strike" escape into a new reality. It is designed to give your body and brain an entirely new environment so it can't grasp onto anything familiar. This is why it is such a powerful change event.
It explains why the event takes place in remote, nature retreats. Why you will stay in simple cabins or dorm-style rooms. Why you will move your physical body for long periods by walking every day. Why the food is specially chosen, modified fasting is used, and there is a digital media detox.
This event is constructed to reshape your body, reprogram your brain, and change the perception of your "self" in relation to the world. You will shed physical pounds, emotional weight, and old, unhelpful mental narratives. You will be challenged to erase old stories and write new scripts of meaning and purpose.
Here are the details in a nutshell:
- The Next Level Human Wisdom Curriculum. You will leave understanding why your life has unfolded as it has, and be able to use this wisdom to create what you desire moving forward.
- You will learn an organizing philosophy of non-dualism that will complement, strengthen, and inform your beliefs whether Christian, agnostic, or atheist.
- Up to 4 hours of slow, relaxing "walking meditation" each day (substantial "accidental weight loss" is not uncommon).
- Deep psychological classroom work, mindset training, breath work education and meditation training
- Emotional Alchemy (The Science Of Emotional Freedom & Mastery). Here you learn how to effortlessly deal with people.
- The practice of trust, surrender, and openness. This is the catalyst of all wisdom and growth.
- Optional, modified fasting between 500-1500 calories per day (expect 5-10 pounds of accidental fat loss). All meals provided.
- Social teamwork and integration in dorm rooms and camp-style accommodations (private rooms available).
- Plant medicine ceremonies and/or psychedelic breathwork.
- Group coaching and counseling, deep mental work, and one-on-one attention.
- A one-of-a-kind experience, "like nothing you have ever done."
Deep Mental Work
Each day we will deep dive into your future. You will learn one of the most powerful tools for manifesting. You will get a hands-on education on identity restructuring and creating a new personal reality. This is a journaling approach you will be able to take with you and use forever.

Reflective Integration
Time alone is imperative to reflect on the stories you have been living and begin to create new possibilities for being. You will learn Dr Jade's formula of manifestation one he has refined and perfected through personal use and work with thousands of clients
Nature Immersion
The Japanese call it Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing). Alone time in nature. The rhythmic plodding of walking or the quiet solitude of sitting under a tree. This time with source consciousness is healing, clarifying, and instructive. You will learn how to listen.

Sacred Plants
Sacred traditional cacao (pure cocoa) and other adaptogenic herbs and plant medicines are used in ceremonies that blend the traditional with the advanced science of psychology to penetrate the subconscious mind allowing access to the creative conscious and parts of ourselves we cannot see in ordinary states of consciousness.
Community Connection & Living
Just as humans require time alone, we need time with other humans. The Awakening brings you back to the experience of your younger years when connection to people was easy due to proximity, shared experience, and common goals. Dorm-style accommodations and shared rooms are used for shared processing and connection. (men & women have their separate dorms). We highly recommend the dorm-style rooms for a reconnection to our common humanity.